Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Testing, Testing 1-2-3 (Part 3)


Fuck." The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. 4th ed. 2000. 19 May 2009

"Your." The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. 4th ed. 2000. 19 May 2009

"Mother." The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. 4th ed. 2000. 19 May 2009

"Logic." The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. 4th ed. 2000. 19 May 2009

Testing, Testing 1-2-3 (part 2)

If your mother is very physically attractive and embodies the qualities the word (mother) itself connotes:

TRANSITIVE VERB: Inflected forms: moth·ered, moth·er·ing, moth·ers. To watch over, nourish, and protect maternally.

Logic dictates that I would like to have sexual intercourse with your mother. Now, you cannot accuse me of possessing anti-social traits, because logical thinking, as dictated by society, is one of the elements of a sane, healthy mind; and my desire to fuck your mother was the product of a logical thought process:

NOUN: 2a. A system of reasoning. b. A mode of reasoning c. The formal, guiding principles of a discipline, school, or science. 3. Valid reasoning.

But, of course, you have caught me out. “Anti-social” may carry connotations of insanity, but it is arguably different from being “insane” per se. Therefore, I am a sane person possessing anti-social personality traits who wants to fuck your mother.
Or, to be more honest, a person who wants to fuck your mother but who doesn’t have enough time to actualize his desire; I’m too caught up in the semiotics, semantics…the very syntax of fucking your mother. In any case, it’s still advisable to keep your mother away from me.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Testing, Testing, 1-2-3 (part 1)

1. Vulgar Slang To have sexual intercourse with.

The possessive form of you1. Used as a modifier before a noun: your boots; your accomplishments. 2. A person's; one's: The light switch is on your right.

1. A woman who conceives, gives birth to, or raises and nurtures a child. 2. A female parent of an animal.


I'm Not There

The rules of blogging:

1.) There is no "I"

2.) Therefore, there is no concept of self

3.) Therefore, all ipseity is lost

4.) Therefore, all perception is lost

5.) Therefore, all opinions are lost

6.) Therefore, I'll have fuck-all to blog about

7.) Therefore, it's quite pointless to even start a blog

8.) Therefore, I'm a hypocrite

9.) Therefore, I still maintain a sense of self

10.) Therefore, I live in an anguished state in which my mind tells me I should dissolve my "self" but yet cannot stop dwelling on the "frivolous worldly events" that influenced its decision to go all Zen in the first place

11.) Therefore, my state of mind is informed by two very conflicting goals

12.) Therefore, I can't really define who I am

13.) Therefore, I'm a complete fucking mess

14.) Therefore, I'm not there.